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Department of Psychology

Department of Psychology


Psychology Degree - BSc (Hons) Psychology

Description of the Psychology Programme

The Department of Psychology at DEI College aims to familiarize and educate its students with the science of Psychology. Psychology, as the study of behaviour and mind, embraces all aspects of human experience. It is a discipline and an applied science that seeks to understand individuals and groups through general principles and research areas by observing, explaining and changing human behavior.

The BSc (Hons) Psychology undergraduate programme in Psychology is offered in partnership with the University of Sunderland. The School of Psychology refers to individuals who wish to gain an insight into modern psychology and the methods it utilises, such as self-awareness, introspection and interpersonal intelligence. Psychology studies are suitable for individuals who seek to gain knowledge and research skills in cognitive, social and clinical behaviour.

 DEI College students have access to the College library and the University of Sunderland e-libraries, enjoy free participation in DEI College seminars and a privileged discount card  at various stores and services

For more information about the Psychology Programme fill out the contact form:

Why Should I choose the Psychology Programme at DEI College, Thessaloniki?

  • Constantly updated curriculum, which is in line with the needs of the market
  • Development of multiple skills in the fields of communication, critical thinking, information gathering, problem solving with quantitative and qualitative
    methods of research, analysis and interpretation
  • Development of appreciation of diversity and values ​​associated with psychological science, based on ethical and professional behaviour
  •  Excellent learning of psychological terminology
  • Significant development of intellectual and transferable skills that are an important resource in the professional course
  • Fully trained teaching staff to help the student understand the subject in depth 
  • Possibility of free English language learning
  • Recognized study programme from the University of Sunderland in the United Kingdom
  • Possibility of full-time or part-time study, depending on the needs and possibilities of each student
  • A wide range of courses to obtain the necessary knowledge for future professionals
  • Obtaining a competitive degree for the labor market
  • Large percentage of professional activity of the graduates of the department
  • Fully English-language programme that facilitates career prospects abroad

Career Opportunities

The University of Sunderland is one of the UK’s leading universities in terms of student employability. Upon successful completion of the Psychology programme, graduates will have acquired the fundamental and special knowledge required to begin their career in the field of Psychology. Graduates of the programme are employed in education, health services, public administration, human resource management, marketing, media and many other professional environments.

Course structure

The study programme of the Department of Psychology can be completed in 3 years of full-time study or in 6 years  of part-time study. Teaching methods include lectures, seminars, group work and research, while assessment methods include papers, research, presentations and written examinations.The study programme of the Department of Psychology can be completed in 3 years of full-time study or in 6 years  of part-time study. Teaching methods include lectures, seminars, group work and research, while assessment methods include papers, research, presentations and written examinations.

    • Being a Psychologist 

Students will learn the essential skills needed to study psychology at degree level including academic skills, personal development and research studies. They will broaden your academic and psychological literacy via a series of research projects and practicals supported by personal tutors.

    • Genes to Mind 

Students will consider the relationship between biology and the human mind. They will examine how DNA ultimately gives rise to thinking, conscious and complex human beings. They will explore genetics and evolution, as well as the core areas of biological psychology, cognitive psychology and individual differences across topics as diverse as addiction, altruism, and sexuality.

    • Mind to World 

Students will learn the story of how single units of personhood (or ‘minds’) interact with one another and come together to create societies. Focus on the way in which humans communicate with each other and operate in their social world. They will explore the core areas of developmental psychology, cognitive psychology and social psychology across topics such as perception, language, interpersonal relationships, emotion, autism, and psychopathy.

    • Introduction to Mental Health

Students will examine biological, cognitive, and social models of mental illness and mental health. They will consider a number of mental health problems including mood disorders (such as depression and anxiety), psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia), eating disorders, and personality disorders. They will analyse behaviours that pose a risk to physical and mental health, including alcohol and drug use, poor diet, and a lack of physical activity. They will discuss public health approaches to mental health and wellbeing and how they can aim to improve the mental health of the general population and/or lower risk of mental illness, by considering social networks, social inequality, and happiness.

    • Psychology in the Media 

Students will address common misconceptions about psychology and the role of the media in these misconceptions. They will examine how the media influences the behaviour of individuals, and the application of psychological theories to understanding why people believe false and sensational claims.

    • Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology

Students will work on a number of research projects across core areas of psychology. They will develop more advanced skills in research methods, and gain opportunities to have input into research design as you become more skilled. They will learn more advanced data analysis skills and apply these in the research projects.

    • Skills for Life: The Psychology of Personal and Professional Development

Students will discover their potential as lifelong learners and leaders, understanding the significance of agency and self-advocacy during life and career transitions. Lifelong learning fosters social inclusion, active citizenship, personal development, self-sustainability, and employability. Research methods such as psychometric measures, narrative, and storytelling will be employed. Volunteering opportunities will complement students’ understanding of lifelong learning and leadership, shaping their future professional identities.

    • Cradle to Grave

Students will meet a fictional family as you learn about the psychology of the human journey through the lifespan, from parent-offspring conflict in the womb to explanations for ageing and death. They will explore topics including attachment, the ‘teenage brain’ and challenges in adolescence, personality development and cognitive change.

    • Twenty-Four, Seven: Everyday Motivations and Biases 

Students will apply social, cognitive and biological psychology to understanding everyday motivations and biases in, for example, perception and memory. They will explore topics including vision and sensory perception, social group processes, aggression, eyewitness testimony and eating disorders.

    • Meet the Relatives: Evolutionary Psychology and Animal Behaviour

Students will learn about theory and research in evolutionary psychology and animal behaviour and how research on human and non-human animals can be integrated and applied to understanding aspects of contemporary life. They will evaluate the extent to which we can learn about human psychology by studying non-human animals, what research on other animals tells us about the idea that humans are special, and the implications of research on animal behaviour for our understanding of the abilities of other animals, and how we treat them. Topics covered on this module may include, health and happiness, mate preferences, mating strategies and parenting, evolutionary approaches to contemporary and popular culture, hormones and behaviour, social organisation and social living and intelligence and cognition.

    • Assessment, Formulation and Evidence Bases

Students will focus on three core skills of clinical psychology. They will learn a range of methods used by psychologists to assess a service user such as psychometric tests, interviews and taking a history. They will learn how a clinical psychologist integrates the results of assessments of various methods with different psychological models to develop hypotheses and interventions tailored to the individual service user. They will learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of practice based on existing evidence through reading systematic reviews, and learn how to design your own research to evaluate the effectiveness of psychological practice.

    • Empirical Project

Students will work with a supervisor to apply what they have learned in research methods modules to their own research project. They will report their findings in an extensive research report and present their project in the form of an academic poster at our poster conference.

    • From Research to Reality 

Students will evaluate some of the ‘big issues’ at the cutting edge of psychology such as free will, the nature of consciousness, the interface between psychology and politics, psychology and religion, the role and scope of anomalistic psychology, psychology and social policy, psychology and culture including the psychology of music or art, psychology and information technology including issues such as cybercrime, computational modelling and transhumanism, current issues in psychological research such as the replication crisis, value of psychology as a discipline, the future of psychology. 

    • Occupational Psychology 

Students will focus on the scope of occupational psychology and its application to work, employees and organisations. They will cover topics aligned with the British Psychology Society’s Division of Occupational Psychology such as psychological assessment at work; learning, training, and development; leadership, engagement, and motivation; wellbeing and work.

    • Health Psychology and Behaviour

Students will examine how psychological concepts, principles and theories can be applied to understand and alleviate problems associated with health and health-related behaviours. They will cover topics which include personality, health and illness, sociocultural aspects of health and illness, and stress and health. They will focus on psychological interventions aimed at changing health-related behaviours.

    • Psychology of Addiction

Students will explore introductory psychology on both substance and non-substance-related addictive behaviors. They’ll study alcoholism, addiction to psychoactive drugs, gambling, and sex addiction, along with theories on their development, persistence, control, and treatment. These behaviors will be linked to various psychology areas, including the biological effects of drug use, the role of cognition in addictive behaviors, and addiction’s social implications.

* Modules may change each year.

Academic Staff

The academic staff of DEI College consists of experienced instructors with high educational and professional qualifications. Their professional involvement in this field encourages students to develop their critical thinking, so that they can create their own new career opportunities, while at the same time they can meet the challenges of the field. The academic staff’s specialization in global issues and trends, such as, competition of demand, strategic planning, quality of services and knowledge of the subject, offers ideal help for the students’ future development.

Programme Summary Information:

Classes start: October

Language of instruction: English

Free English lessons start intensively in early September with 6 teaching hours per week and continue throughout the year with 2 hours per week.

Registration documents

-High school diploma

-ID Card

-English Language Degree (if available)

-College Registration Application (to be completed at the College or Online)

Are you interested in a successful career in the department of psychology?

Fill in the contact form or call us +30 2310 251888+30 2310 251999