Library Policies
- Users
The library of DEI College can be used by all registered students as well as teaching and administrative staff.
- Borrowing
Either on their own or with the help of a professional librarian, users locate the material they wish to borrow, and bring it to the borrowing counter. Library staff checks for overdue loans and seals the return date on the library card. The user signs on the borrowing log and the procedure is complete. If an overdue loan is found to be registered in the user’s name, the user cannot borrow new material.
The user is solely responsible for the borrowed item’s condition and must replace it in cases of substantial damage or loss. The user cannot lend a borrowed item to another user. The item must first be returned to the library and then be borrowed by the next user, following the official procedure. Dictionaries and magazines belonging to the library’s collection cannot be lent and their use is limited inside the library’s premises. The official lending period for a book is one (1) week. However, if the book has not been requested by another user, the above period may be extended (see Renewal of material).
- Reservation of material
If users wish to borrow an item that is unavailable, they can reserve the item and be notified by the librarian as soon as the item is returned. Reservations can be completed in person, by telephone or via e-mail.
- Return of material / Delays
The borrowed material must be returned to the library within the predetermined deadline. The return of material after the due date may constitute grounds for temporary suspension of the user’s right to borrow material from the library. Students with overdue items may not receive their grades and/or participate in final examinations.
- Renewal of material
If users wish to keep an item that they have borrowed for a period longer than the official lending time, and, provided that no request has been placed on the item by another user, they may renew the item and have the return deadline extended. The renewal of borrowed material can be requested in person, on the telephone or via e-mail.
- Use of the library premises
Smoking and consuming food or beverages and drinks (with the exception of water) are not allowed in the library’s premises. The library’s smooth operation requires quiet and mobile phones must be turned off or be in silent mode in the library. If users use one or more of the library’s books without borrowing them, they must leave them on the study table, without putting them back on the shelves.
The students and the staff of DEI College have the right to use the computers, the scanner and the photocopying machine (for a limited number of copies) that are in the library’s premises. The computers in the library are not connected with a printer. To print out their documents, users have to visit nearby copy shops. Individuals with disabilities are prioritised over other users in all services offered by the library and all users have to provide support for these individuals to the best of their ability.